Sunday, January 1, 2012

Cleaning Up My Act

I'm a tree hugger. An organic food eating, No VOC paint using, sprinkles flax seeds in my cereal tree hugger.

I live with both asthma and environmental allergies. If you're not an asthmatic, you don't get it. But if you are, you know. Going through life with something that impairs your simple ability to breathe makes a girl quickly realize the value of having toxin-free surroundings.

While I have transformed many aspects of our home to reflect a cleaner, greener life, the household cleaners have yet to give in to the movement. I have tried many: most fail to perform well enough to convince me to convert.

When I began my new job a few weeks ago, I was pleased to learn that the Mrs. is also earthy. And extremely particular about her home. In her cupboards were rows of cleaning products from Melaleuca. Much to my surprise, they all smell lovely and keep things looking sparkling clean.

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I'm partial to Tough & Tender and LemonBrite. The entire product line is affordable and, if you drink the company's Kool Aid, then it's also fair to believe that over time, it will actually save you money compared to more conventional cleaning products. Be scared, Johnson & Johnson, be scared!

A second Scary Chemicals Source I have long avoided: DRYCLEANING! Aka, burns my eyes when I walk into the door, rots my liver and poisons our water with carcinogens cleaning. While you'd have to be a Minneapolis-Metro-Local to sign up for my particular favorite- Skylark in Chanhassen- you can find a more earth-friendly service in your area here.

Skylark picks up and delivers for no additional fee on a regular schedule or with an on-demand service. Green, convenient, and gentle on my favorite sweaters: I'M SOLD!

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend here who sells melaluca and I've been reluctant to take the plunge but have heard awesome things. I may just have to go for it now! I like vinegar and baking soda for lots of things, but sometimes you just need a good scrub.


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